Acceleration Economy

AI Index Report 2023 | AI Innovation, Funding, & Products

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Executive Overview

The AI Index is a weekly podcast analyzing the top innovations, funding/M&A and products impacting the AI/ML/GenAI category.  Every 3-6 months this analysis is built into the AI Index Report as a downloadable PDF featuring highlights on each company, product and deal examined through the eyes of a Gen Z entrepreneur, Acceleration Economy Analyst and AI practitioner.

What innovations are setting the pace from platform providers, who is getting funding, who is getting acquired and what products are being put to work to dazzle customers through GenAI…and why does it all matter!

Be prepared for that next customer call or board meeting with the AI Index Report from Acceleration Economy…or don’t, and just pretend like nothing has changed.

Elements of Report

  1. Innovations from Platform Providers
  2. Funding & M&A leading the way
  3. Products to put to work for your business