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Acceleration Economy

5-step guide to transform your expense management

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What's Inside

This white paper is targeted towards Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and NAV users. It identifies the 5 steps you should take to ensure this process of digitally transforming your expense management is completed as smoothly as possible and results in a successful outcome for your company.

Expense management is a source of employee frustration across multiple departments. Hours are often wasted by employees where company processes are outdated. Undue stress is caused when inefficiencies lead to missed finance deadlines.

As a result, many companies are considering turning to a digital solution to transform their expenses.

Digital transformation does not need to be a scary or vague concept. Many of your processes will already be automated, so why not make expenses digital too?

There are a variety of benefits available to everyone involved in the process by going digital. Whether it’s the company representative out on the road incurring expenses; the approving line manager; or the finance team who process the approved expenses and enter them into Business Central.

The key takeaways of this whitepaper, produced by Equisys, are:

  1. Going digital is a positive business investment. It leads to significant time savings and reduced employee frustration. More than one third of small businesses achieve payback on their investments in a digital system in six months or less
  2. It doesn’t matter how many employees you have submitting expenses – there are time and cost savings to be taken advantage of
  3. Taking a structured approach to transforming your expense management, including building a template of your needs and priorities, will help you achieve the outcome you want

You can find out more about a possible solution, Zetadocs Expenses, on the Acceleration Economy here.