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Acceleration Economy

Ultimate GP Upgrade Guide

The complete roadmap to upgrading your Great Plains system.

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What's Inside

The complete roadmap to upgrading your Great Plains system.

Every business owner on a legacy system will be called to act eventually:
“you need to upgrade your ERP.”

The true path to a post-GP life is far from simple.

The first thing to remember is that, even in a GP to BC scenario, there is
no “upgrade;” what you’re going to be doing is a re-implementation.
All journeys to upgrading follow the same three steps, in order. The first?
Ensuring that upgrading is indeed what your company needs to do. Then,
a period of software evaluation follows. And lastly, before you can reap the
full benefits, an implementation period.

Download this complimentary guide to help you navigate the major decisions that every company will face. Learn what questions to ask, and how to find the answers.

Pelorus Technology is a global Microsoft Dynamics Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation partner. Our team is dedicated to identifying and implementing new and improved methodologies, attitudes, and tools to set a new standard in speed to value for our ERP selection, implementation, and upgrade projects. Contact us today to see how our Pelorus advanced thinking can benefit your ERP project.