Financial reporting for the application allows financial and business professionals to create, maintain, deploy, and view financial statements. It moves beyond traditional reporting constraints to help you efficiently design various types of reports. Financial reporting capabilities in Dynamics 365 for Finance include dimension support, meaning that account segments are immediately available. No additional tools or configuration steps are required. Some key features include report design flexibility, financial report collaboration, and interactive report viewing.
Financial Reporting Setup
The Financial reporting setup page has a list of all financial dimensions in the system. General ledger > Ledger setup > Financial reporting setup. The Financial reporting setup page has two sections that determine the data you report on in Financial reporting:
- Dimensions tab – This page allows you set the order in which you want financial dimensions to appear when you build and view a report in Financial reporting.
- Attributes tab is where you can select whether you want the ability to use Vendors and Customers as attributes for filtering and report design.
Accessing Financial Reporting
You can find the Financial reporting menu in the following locations:
- General Ledger > Inquiries and reports
- Budgeting > Inquires and reports > Basic budgeting
- Budgeting > Inquiries and reports > Budget planning
- Budgeting > Inquiries and reports > Budget control
- Consolidations
Creating and Modifying Financial Reports
From the financial reports list, you can create a new report or modify an existing report. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can create a new financial report by selecting New on the Action Pane. A report designer program is downloaded to your device. After the report designer starts you can then create the new report. After you save the new report, it appears in the financial reports list. The list shows only reports that were created for the company that you’re using in D365 for Finance. Users who generate a report can delete their own reports. Users with the Maintain financial reporting security duty can delete other’s reports.
Next Steps
If you are interested in learning more about financial reporting as well as maximizing the use of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance contact us here to find out how we can help you grow your business. You can also email us at or call (312) 345-8817.