Unleashing Micro-Opportunities || Cloud Wars’ “Christopher Lochhead on Different” celebrates difference in a world that encourages imitation.
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What I find most interesting about Microsoft corporate VP for Azure marketing Julia White’s recent comments about SAP workloads migrating to Azure.
Why CEOs Must Set Digital Mandate || Cloud Wars’ “Wayne Sadin on Digital Strategy” explores the roles of CEOs and boards in the Digital Age.
SAP CEO Bill McDermott vowed that his company’s $8-billion acquisition of Qualtrics will trigger “the biggest growth opportunity I’ve ever seen.”
Dion Hinchcliffe’s 12-point CIO Predictions for 2019 column is superb reading for any person interested business strategy, and digital innovation.
IBM needs to show customers, partners and investors that it is turning those 9,100 patents and innovations into high-value business solutions.
Remarks from Microsoft’s EVP and CMO Chris Capossela in late 2018 shed light on Microsoft’s marketing strategy going into 2019.
Earlier this year, SAP and CEO Bill McDermott issued a blunt challenge to CRM kingpin Salesforce.com by launching C/4HANA.
Tony Uphoff, President & CEO of Thomasnet.com, a company that’s the leading platform for product sourcing, supplier selection & actionable information.
In today’s blindingly fast world of digital business, it’s no longer enough for every business to become a software business they must become an AI company.
Walmart has commited to massive 5-year cloud deal with Microsoft that extends the two companies’ existing partnership, accelerating digital transformation.
Microsoft decides to become a global community powerhouse via the acquisitions of LinkedIn two years ago and GitHub last week.
As competition among top cloud vendors intensifies, cloud customer success is rapidly emerging as strategic differentiator more important than snazzy tech.
Top executives at Microsoft, SAP and Oracle recently pledged to make customer success, not satisfaction or loyalty, their biggest priority in 2018.
Microsoft’s Executive VP and CFO Amy Hood offers remarkable insights into why everything in Redmond seems to be humming along beautifully these days.
The person most responsible for Microsoft’s extraordinary turnaround and near-miracle reversal is Satya Nadella, my Cloud Wars CEO of the year for 2017.