After attending the HIMSS 2023 Global Health Conference and Exhibition last week, Toni Witt recaps his top takeaways from the big healthcare industry event.
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Toni Witt describes a research project featured at HIMSS 2023 that is using AI/ML to identify high-risk asthma patients to reduce hospitalizations.
From education to the creator economy, few sectors are immune to the disruptive effects of generative AI, but different generations look at (and must approach) the technology differently.
By integrating generative AI with automation, industries can provide personalized customer experiences and meet shifting market conditions.
In this interview from QlikWorld 2023, Qlik Global Product Marketing VP Josh Good and Wayne Sadin discuss the company’s tools and customer strategies.
Practitioner analysts share early impressions from the HIMSS conference where AI and the need for enterprise-wide governance are hot topics.
Chris Hughes explains what this synergy means for businesses as they continue to move to the cloud and accumulate data to drive business decisions and outcomes.
In this Digital CIO Summit Moment, excerpted from a session on ethical AI, Workday’s Shane Luke discusses his company’s approach to AI implementation and regulation.
Bob Evans hosts Google Cloud’s Kevin Icchpurani, who discusses the Google Cloud partners ecosystem and how it’s working to deliver outcomes for customers.
With the advancing development of artificial intelligence, the new era of AI natives will bring new expectations to the workforce.
Welcome to the first episode of “Generations,” in which practitioner-analysts from the Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X, and Baby Boomer generations discuss important tech topics.
SAP Chief Partner Officer Karl Fahrbach explains why partners are indispensable at every stage of the customer life cycle and how the company is transforming to be partner-led.
The first day of the Digital CIO Summit was filled with first-person perspectives and practitioner-led sessions about the role of the CIO.
Joanna Martinez describe el impacto que provoca el uso de Inteligencia Artificial y Automatización Robótica de Procesos (RPA) en compras y suministros.
Bob Evans speaks with ServiceNow SVP of Global Partnerships, Erica Volini, leading up to Acceleration Economy’s Partners Ecosystem Digital Summit.
By using AI frameworks, companies can ensure transparency, compliance, and more, which will lead to building customer trust in AI systems.
With rising pressure on the global healthcare industry, healthcare organizations are turning to hyperautomation technologies to provide better health outcomes.
Janet Schijns describe en este analysis la estrategia y pasos adecuados para que consultoras de tecnología (IT) ofrezcan nuevos servicios con éxito.
Kenny Mullican escribe las múltiples ventajas y beneficios de una estrategia multi-nube sobre la operación de la cadena de suministro.
New data from NetApp shows that even with the benefits of multi-cloud, this increasingly popular architecture introduces various forms of complexity for tech leaders.