Acceleration Economy

Why & How to Create a Zero-Trust Framework

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What's Inside

With the rapid pace of cybersecurity, many security approaches are becoming outdated or obsolete. Zero-trust architecture helps combat these challenges, but it’s a complicated endeavor: zero trust touches multiple asset classes and encapsulates a number of security activities.

It’s essential to view zero trust as a holistic reference architecture instead of thinking from a specific product mindset. This guidebook looks at zero trust through the lens of business leaders and guides decision-making through a zero-trust framework with insights from our Practitioner Analysts:

Learning Objectives

  1. Why zero trust is a cybersecurity journey and how to realize continuous improvement
  2. How zero trust modernizes cybersecurity in the public and private sectors
  3. How the CISA Maturity Model streamlines zero trust deployment and management
  4. How implementing role-based access with zero trust strengthens data governance
  5. How to select and implement the best framework to govern expanding data volume
  6. How the Biden Cybersecurity Strategy leans on zero trust and cloud software providers