If you missed the February 23rd Great Lakes Local Users Group meeting you missed two great speakers, Kerry (Rosvold) Peters and Kim Dallefeld, talk about Finance and other related subjects. It was an amazing and great learning roundtable for all who attended. Members asked many questions and all the members offered insight and direction on each topic. If you missed the event, I have attached the recording Kelli Miller made.

Cover Image is a snapshot of the upcoming Local User Group Meeting for 2021 so register for these events when they are available. It is an exciting line-up of speakers and topics to educate you and your colleagues on NAV/BC or general subjects.
LUG 2021

I hope to see you there.
Steven Chinsky

There’s a lot of folks wondering which route to go: Low-Code or No-Code. They are different and there are different tools to choose from. In part 2 of this series, I look at what to expect from low-code versus no-code, some helpful points to consider, and a few takeaway tips.

If you missed part 1 in the series, be sure to check it out here: https://mydacfeed.com/view/video/back-it-the-low-code-no-code-evolution-part-1Also, be sure to check out more insightful content from our DAC News Desk for video interviews with personal perspectives and valuable information from industry experts, and In-depth articles on a wide variety of business technology categories.

Looking at ways to better meet the needs of your clients is critical for accountants. Using customer relationship management software (CRM) is an excellent way to serve your clients by keeping them happy and engaged. CRM software is also simple to use, allowing accountants to work much more efficiently without constantly dealing with technical issues.

Low-code/no-code isn’t just the hottest buzzword/term now, but a major technology category with huge growth potential in this decade. In part 1 of this series, I explore the evolution of low-code/no-code, call out a few players in the space, and leave you with tips to consider before choosing a solution.Source info:Intrado: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/11/10/2123468/0/en/Global-187-Billion-Low-Code-Development-Platform-Market-to-2030.html#:~:text=The%20global%20low%2Dcode%20development,period%20(2020%2D2030). Excel history: https://microsoft.fandom.com/wiki/Microsoft_Excel SAP Purchases Appgyver: https://news.sap.com/2021/02/sap-acquire-appgyver/ John’s take on Appgyver: https://mydacfeed.com/view/video/sap-acquires-no-code-platform-appgyver App references:Retool: https://retool.com/Bubble: https://bubble.io/Excel: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/excelWordpress: https://wordpress.com/ Microsoft Power Apps: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/ AWS Honeycode: https://www.honeycode.aws/ Google Appsheet: https://www.appsheet.com/ AppGyver: https://www.appgyver.com/

The pandemic has fast-tracked many decisions around the embrace of technology. Understanding the expectations of regulators and government agencies is important to consider when implementing technology – and the risks of not considering compliance – especially for the financial services industry.

With the rise of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies based on blockchain, it’s important to understand the tax implications for digital currency. Listen in as I break down blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and some helpful tax info along the way.Also, if you are looking for in-depth tax information and real customer stories, be sure to join us for our Tax Binge Day event on Feb 24 from 11am – 1pm ET.

See how with 300% growth, Bryan Equipment has been able to increase productivity, reduce error rates and not substantially grow their labor workforce. By integrating FASCOR WMS and TMS into their ERP, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Bryan Equipment has become the largest STIHL power tool distributor in the Midwest.SHOW LESS

The workplace is not what it used to be and neither are the skills needed to stay ahead. Alison Mulligan, CEO of Maximus IT and Microsoft MVP, and I discuss the need for upskilling, managing expectations in the workforce, citizen developers in the low/no-code world, working from home, and much more.