✔️Gestiona de manera integral todos las áreas de tus Recursos Humanos
✔️Fomente la implicación de los empleados
✔️Proporcione funciones de autoservicio
✔️Proporcione a los directivos
✔️Ayude a sus empleados a prosperar

Good post from Cognizant on CIO Magazine website, but way too many ads on the linked page. Analyzes how CIOs, VPs of infrastructure, and other IT leaders are tasked with modernizations under enormous pressure with some ideas to help.

Setting a target service level or fill rate is a strategic decision about inventory risk management. Choosing service levels can be difficult. Relevant factors include current service levels, replenishment lead times, cost constraints, the pain inflicted by shortages on you and your customers, and your competitive position. Target setting is often best approached as a collaboration among operations, sales and finance. Inventory optimization software is an essential tool in the process.

Understanding what’s on the horizon for technology and it’s impact on your supply chain is critical for future planning. The pace of technology will not be slowing down any time soon. Now is the time to plan and decide which technologies to embrace.

I had to link to this post from Kylie Kiser–it made me laugh, and think, as she describes how we all love Dynamics, but specific things are “weird” like addresses, activities (specifically security) and connections. Well done Kylie and thanks for posting!

You would think that by now technology would have a more positive impact on our live, but the Productivity Paradox highlights that this is not the case. Technology meant to increase productivity has actually slowed it. Technology meant to increase efficiency wastes our time instead.

Las tendencias de e-commerce 2021 vienen definidas por consecuencia del Covid-19. A raíz del confinamiento y posterior temor al contagio en las tiendas físicas, el comercio electrónico llega pisando fuerte en 2021.

As a senior executive or CIO, how can you assure yourself that artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML)-derived recommendations are reasonable and flow logically from the project work that has been performed?

While you want to be supportive and encouraging of your team’s work, you don’t want to be misled inadvertently and you want to confirm that the data science team hasn’t misled itself.

This link to the Microsoft Community site will show you how to configure your systems to protect your Microsoft 365 cloud environment from on-premises compromise. The author, Alex Weinert of Microsoft, primarily focuses on Azure AD tenant configuration settings, the ways Azure AD tenants can be safely connected to on-premises systems, and the tradeoffs required to operate your systems in ways that protect your cloud systems from on-premises compromise.

Nearly a quarter of CIOs and CTOs surveyed say they are just starting their IT modernization journey or have yet to begin modernizing. To meet these needs, nearly 80 percent of leaders surveyed say there will be a higher reliance on partners that can provide managed infrastructure services. The study reveals that 53% of respondents are aggressively pursuing a public cloud strategy, 48% a hybrid cloud strategy and 45% a private cloud strategy.

In just under ten months during 2020, Gill Walker passed four Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft Dynamics 365 exams and developed a technique which shows you how to ensure that you have revised everything necessary for the exam. In this video she shares this technique, which has delivered her success in four out of four exams.

Gill Walker unpacks the mystery of CRM Success. Gill shows you why CRM projects can be so complicated and gives you the key aspects to include in your CRM project planning. She explains the people who you need on your CRM bus, why scoping is so important, even in this world of agile and how to ensure that you include all the necessary education.

Inventory management is not a squishy area where success can be described in vague language. Success here is a numbers game. There a number of key performance indicators (KPI’s) available to you, including Service Level, Fill Rate, Inventory Turns, Inventory Investment, and Inventory Operating Cost. Companies differ in the importance they assign to each metric such, but you can’t win without using some or all of these to keep score.

Gorilla Glue was in trouble. They had been successful in growing their brand and creating a buzz in the already crowded adhesives market. The trouble came when their current warehouse operations could not scale with their growth. They needed a warehouse management system (WMS) that could integrate with their ERP (Microsoft Dynamics GP) quickly, be easy to use by their staff and have the ability to grow with them.

CRM projects promise to deliver better customer experiences, higher loyalty, accelerated sales and more effective marketing. But achieving those results can be elusive. If you’re starting a CRM project, struggling with an existing project, or searching for ways to an improve your CRM – this is the session you need to attend. You can deliver a CRM solution that not only boosts performance – but that your team loves to use. ​