Extensiรณn E- Factura para Business Central

ยฟCuรกles son los beneficios de usar la extensiรณn E-Factura para Business Central?
Las empresas que trabajen con este tipo de facturas se verรกn beneficiadas en los siguientes aspectos:
El principal beneficio del uso de este tipo de facturas es la agilidad y seguridad que presenta el envรญo de la informaciรณn a travรฉs de internet desde su empresa o hacia el cliente/proveedor final…

Las empresas que tramiten sus facturaciones y movimientos contables a travรฉs de la extensiรณn SII para Business Central,

se verรกn beneficiadas por los siguientes puntos:

Ya no serรก obligatorio la presentaciรณn de los formatos 340, 347 y 390 de Hacienda, asรญ como la elaboraciรณn de los Libros Registros de IVA.

Solamente se tendrรญan que presentar las correspondientes autoliquidaciones del IVA (modelo 303).

Se van a poder tener todos los datos fiscales de las empresas de terceros, ya que la Agencia…

Explore las funcionalidades de Dynamics 365 Business Central
Aumente la visibilidad de los datos financieros
Tome decisiones fundamentadas
Utilice grรกficos para representar el rendimiento financiero en tiempo real
Acelere el cierre de las operaciones financieras y la generaciรณn de informes
Mejore la precisiรณn de las previsiones
Estime con antelaciรณn el tiempo รณptimo para reabastecer las existencias
Obtenga una vista integral del inventario
Calcule y optimice la capacidad y los recursos de fabricaciรณn

Gรกnese la confianza de los clientes
Visualice con precisiรณn los costes, el esfuerzo y los ingresos
Proporcione a los jefes de proyecto paneles intuitivos
Vea las cosas desde la perspectiva del cliente
Optimice los calendarios
Mida con precisiรณn el uso realizado
Proporcione a los consultores y subcontratistas los recursos que necesitan
Priorice las operaciones comerciales utilizando un panel unificado de gestiรณn de ventas
Trate directamente con los clientes
Garantice una colaboraciรณn sin obstรกculos

Even in normal times, good inventory hygiene suggests that you continuously update your inventory control parameters: reorder points, order quantities, safety stocks, mins, maxes, lead times. Beyond that, you should be updating your inventory strategies, such as adjusting the target service levels or fill rates for every item you hold. Thatโ€™s the โ€œshould.โ€

The pandemic of 2020 has brought digital transformation and critical decision making to the forefront. The speed of executing on a decision was increased, but many feared that the trade-offs between speed and quality would be detrimental. However, if big-bet decisions were made coupled with high velocity and high quality, then the payoffs were hugely beneficial in many areas.

Today we discussed what it takes to become a Solution Architect.

We will walk through the steps from the perspective of a Non-Technical person trying to start a career as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Solution Architect.

โœ”๏ธGestiona de manera integral todos las รกreas de tus Recursos Humanos
โœ”๏ธFomente la implicaciรณn de los empleados
โœ”๏ธProporcione funciones de autoservicio
โœ”๏ธProporcione a los directivos
โœ”๏ธAyude a sus empleados a prosperar

Good post from Cognizant on CIO Magazine website, but way too many ads on the linked page. Analyzes how CIOs, VPs of infrastructure, and other IT leaders are tasked with modernizations under enormous pressure with some ideas to help.

Setting a target service level or fill rate is a strategic decision about inventory risk management. Choosing service levels can be difficult. Relevant factors include current service levels, replenishment lead times, cost constraints, the pain inflicted by shortages on you and your customers, and your competitive position. Target setting is often best approached as a collaboration among operations, sales and finance. Inventory optimization software is an essential tool in the process.

Understanding what’s on the horizon for technology and it’s impact on your supply chain is critical for future planning. The pace of technology will not be slowing down any time soon. Now is the time to plan and decide which technologies to embrace.

I had to link to this post from Kylie Kiser–it made me laugh, and think, as she describes how we all love Dynamics, but specific things are “weird” like addresses, activities (specifically security) and connections. Well done Kylie and thanks for posting!

You would think that by now technology would have a more positive impact on our live, but the Productivity Paradox highlights that this is not the case. Technology meant to increase productivity has actually slowed it. Technology meant to increase efficiency wastes our time instead.